Aerial Survey & Mapping

Survey Mapping by Efficient Drone


UAS Pacific provides high-quality, spatially accurate aerial survey and photographic services to the engineering, mining and environmental sectors.  We offer aerial survey and mapping service nationwide, utilising premium UAV technology.


Survey Data


Finding a solution that best fits your business need, we supply either fixed wing or rotary aerial vehicles fitted with data capture equipment. When utilising GPS data, the high-resolution data captured by the UAV can be used to produce highly-accurate topographical maps, accurate surface models, point clouds and volumetric analysis.

Using a UAV allows for safe, flexible, and cost-effective survey work. Full turnkey management of the service by UAS Pacific will ensure ongoing effective survey services for your organisation.


How does Ortho-Photo Mosiacs work?

The digital mapping software takes all the aerial photos and combines them. Auto-corrections are made to help with distortions, and the resulting ‘ortho-mosiac’ (combined) image looks as if it had been taken by a satellite.  As the image is geo-referenced, it can be displayed by any standard geographic information system (GIS) such as ESRI ArcGIS or Google Earth.


Benefits of Unmanned Aerial Surveying
No need for ground survey, which can take days or even weeks.
Collect survey data that is down to 1cm ground resolution.
Turn weather-dependant manned aircraft work into unmanned aerial work that can operate in light rain or wind.
No need to access dangerous working areas, like mines or quarries. All UAVs are operated by CASA certified operators.

Contact UAS Pacific on (07) 3855 3590 for a no-obligation consultation about Survey Mapping by Drone